Listen to Dr. Freedman
SpecialNeedsTalkRadio - Raising ASD Kids and Teens Radio Interview - College Issues for Students with ASD (audio)
Dr. Sarita Freedman on YouTube:
Clinical psychologist and author Dr. Sarita Freedman works with many families touched by autism. Parents and caregivers are a child's first, best advocate. But our goal is to assist our loved one in reaching independence. Self-advocacy is a part of that learning. In this interview, Dr. Freedman discusses three steps to "self-advocacy."
Many of our special kids will have the chance to go to college. But as parents will tell you, getting in isn't the only challenge... or, in some cases, the REAL CHALLENGE. Staying in school requires new skills. Learning and practicing the right skills and disciplines will assure our students a successful college experience.
When do you tell a child about their autism? When do you tell the family? What about friends? And teachers? And if you're a recently diagnosed adult, what do you do? Do you share that information with friends? What about the people at work? Disclosure is a HUGE issue.